As you might have guessed from the last posting, I will be leaving Knowledge Exchange. I am really looking forward to starting work as Partnership Program Manager at the
Australian National Data Service, ANDS for short. The Australian Commonwealth Government's
Department of Industry, Innovation, Science Research and Tertiary Education has had the foresight to fund and support the development of ANDS at a time when other countries had not even started considering the value of Research Data as a very important research asset. This has allowed ANDS to become a leading organisation worldwide in setting up services like ‘
Research Data Australia’ and ‘
Cite My Data’
I am really looking forward to learning about the Australian landscape at work and discovering some more of the physical Australian landscape at the weekends. I will be starting work on 1st of September at the ANDS office at
Monash University
in Melbourne.
Dus je gaat weg uit Nederland...alleen of met elkaar?
We gaan samen, maar ik ga wel vooruit om alvast de boel te verkennen en zaken te regelen :-)
Happy landings, Keith, and keep dancing!
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