Monday, December 04, 2006

Recording a lecture - a pilot

This is the set up we used last week for recording a lecture for a Bachelor Module on Child Care (Pedagogiek). I was extremely lucky to be able to use such a good quality camera with a good lens, as it makes all the difference to the video quality. I was mucking about with Microsoft Producer, but it is very limited (free though :-). It does take a lot of time on preparation, actual recording and production. We are definitely going to look for a less time consuming solution for structural use.

I will not show you an example yet, because I have promised the lecturer I would not flout it about. I do think that is a shame, not only because the recording (certainly the second hour) is quite good, but also because her lecture was very good.
Things brings up one of the many questions which arise from recording and broadcasting lectures. How freely do you want to share the materials? I am not going to push this point just yet, because it is extremely clear that the teachers I am talking to will first need to get used to seeing themself played back on video and more importantly: see how students respond and see what this does to their learning behaviour....
To be continued...


Unknown said...

Hello Keith,

I noticed your post on MS Producer. I've been developing a similar tool to record synchronized web presentations and have recently released a beta version. It's called iPresent Presio. If you have any interest in trying out a new tool, I'd love to get your feedback. Thanks.


Wilfred Rubens said...

Hi Keith,

I thought you are going to experiment with Apreso? Please blog about your experiences.
It's a pitty the lecturer would not allow you to publish a piece of the action. Can you convince her that it's not to expose her performance but that you want to show us the results of the used technology?

Keith Russell said...

Just to set some things straight: I am only using Producer at present because it is free and eay to implement. It lacks a number of critical features to allow it to be used for the structural recording of lectures. At the end of this experiment I will write a simple report on our findings (quite probably in Dutch I'm afraid) in which I will list the reasons why I do not find Producer suitable...
I am certainly interested in looking into Apreso seriously and this is a follow up pilot I am working on.

@Carmen: Thanks for the tip. I will give it a try though I am rather busy at present. I will report on this blog on my findings.