Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Oh dear, not more plaguerism...

Yesterday in a meeting of the directors of education at the faculty I heard a worrying complaint. We are trying to educate students in correct citation and not taking other's work and presenting this as you own. One of the aspects of this measure is the use of a tool to detect plaguerism. Sadly the complaint was uttered that too many cases of plaguerism where being detected and especially the follow up on each case was taking up time and resources. Nobody argued that we should stop checking for plaguerism, on the contrary. The sad fact is that students are still copying off the internet (without citing the source), and perhaps worse still: are entering other students' papers from previous years...


Unknown said...

we proudly plaguerise. no one cares. If youre good enough to not get caught, then you deserve the good marks

Jim Dixon said...

Please check the spelling of plagiarism/plaguerism.

Keith Russell said...

Dear Jim,

You are quite right, it should be plagiarism.